
Monday, 20 June 2011

System health check in AIX

System health check in AIX

- Use the errpt command to look at a summary error log report. Be on the lookout for recent additions to the      log. Use the errpt -a command to examine any suspicious detailed error log entries

Check disk space availability on the system with the df -k command. A full file system can cause a number of problems, so it is best to avoid the situation if at all possible. The two solutions to a full file system are to either
delete some files to free up space, or use the LVM to add additional resources to the file system. The option you take will depend on the nature of the data in the file system, and whether there is any available space in the volume group.

Check volume groups for stale partitions with the lsvg command. If stale partitions, logical volumes, or physical volumes are reported, try and repair the situation with the syncvg command.

Check system paging space with the lsps -s command. A system will not perform very well if it is low on paging space. In extreme circumstances, the system can terminate processes in order to solve the problem. Obviously, it is better that the system administrator ensures that there is enough paging space. You can either increase the size of existing paging space volumes, or add a new paging space volume. Again, the option you take will depend on the available space in the volume groups on the system.

Check if all expected subsystems are running with the lssrc -a command.

Check the networking by trying to ping a well-known address. If you cannot
ping the address,

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